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Lighting up young peoples’ faces

DIY goes into schools and lights up peoples’ faces” This year’s UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) runs from 16th November to 16th December and the focus is ‘Disability Childhood and Youth’. This offers a great opportunity for DIY to highlight the cultural education work we have been doing this term and to spotlight some of […]

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Photo: We’re still creating… during lockdown!

We’re still creating… during lockdown!

Even though we are all in lockdown and can’t meet face to face, DIY members have continued to be amazingly active and creative during this challenging time. Some of the things we have been doing include: Resource Packs Every week DIY has sent out resource packs to our artists and regular participants. Some of these have […]

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Photo: Create and Connect with DIY

Create and Connect with DIY

We’re staying safe at home – but that doesn’t mean we can’t Create + Connect! What does a theatre company do when we can’t meet together to make theatre? The answer is, we try to find other ways of collaborating. Here are some of the things we’ve been doing since the government said we should […]

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Photo: DIY Activities and Coronavirus

DIY Activities and Coronavirus

DIY’s activities have all been cancelled for the time-being. This is because of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Update 17 March 2020 Advice from the Government is that we should stay home as much as possible and stay away from large groups. Because of this DIY will be stopping all of our usual activities and our Sharing Events […]

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Photo: Passing the Baton:  Circus Tricks & Youth Music!

Passing the Baton: Circus Tricks & Youth Music!

“Welcome to the Circus – it’s Fun & Sparkly Bright!!” Passing the Baton*: DIY’s Youth Arts Programme will be working with circus artists & professional musicians in 2020! Thanks to funding from Salford CVS Youth Wellbeing Fund, we have been developing our Circus Skills!! In November 2019 we visited The Lowry to watch Circus 1903! […]

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Photo: It’s not just about the drama!

It’s not just about the drama!

New Year, New Courses, New Skills! There is much more to theatre than acting and performing! Because of this DIY Theatre Company provides a variety of learning opportunities. Over the years DIY has run a wide range of courses including performance skills, sound and voice, volunteering and visual arts. Two visual arts courses are very […]

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Photo: DIY Lead Workshop at Creative Therapies Conference

DIY Lead Workshop at Creative Therapies Conference

Thank you to DIY for coming to present a workshop at our first Creative Therapies Conference at University of Salford in October and helping to make it such a memorable event.” Leigh Gardner, Lecturer in Counselling and Psychotherapy, University of Salford We got great feedback from our workshop at The Creative Therapies Conference ‘All the worlds a […]

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Photo: Eccles Performance of ‘Following Patient 36’ November 19th

Eccles Performance of ‘Following Patient 36’ November 19th

Following Patient 36 – a performance exploring Learning Disability History and the resilience of people with learning disabilities. It’s your chance to see a performance of ‘Following Patient 36’ this November 19th in Eccles. During the Summer, DIY shared ‘Following Patient 36’ with an invited audience at The New Adelphi Theatre. What people said about […]

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Photo: Autumn 2019 is packed full of exciting opportunities!

Autumn 2019 is packed full of exciting opportunities!

It’s going to be a busy Autumn at DIY! We’re all returning from our long Summer break full of energy and ideas. DIY’s members have lots to look forward to! DIY Theatre Company is continuing to work on the research and development stage of our ‘Following Patient 36’ project. This project is being funded by […]

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Photo: Roll up, roll up . . . there will be Circus Tricks!

Roll up, roll up . . . there will be Circus Tricks!

Congratulations to our Young Leader’s Charlotte, Amy, Adam & Hannah who applied for the Salford CVS / NHS Salford CCG Youth Wellbeing Fund – and were successful!! Circus Tricks: Salford’s Greatest Circus Workshops! Their idea looks amazing so its not surprising that the ‘Circus Tricks! Salford’s Greatest Circus Workshops!’ application and public pitch was successful! The funding […]

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Photo: Following Patient 36 Sharing Event

Following Patient 36 Sharing Event

Please visit our show page for more information on our work on Following Patient 36. Please join DIY at the New Adelphi Theatre on the 5th July.  We want to share what we have found out about Learning Disability History. Friday 5th July at 1-30pm Studio, Adelphi Theatre, University of Salford, University Road M5 4BK. DIY have been researching and […]

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