It does make a big difference!

DIY Theatre Company has created a new film to encourage people with learning disabilities, their families and supporters to give digital a go!
It does make a big difference!
It is really daunting for all of us to try something new and a lot of us are quite scared of technology, but DIY members’ experience is that it is well worth the effort.
Experiences during the pandemic have highlighted how many people with learning disabilities feel excluded from the digital world and how important it is that people with learning disabilities have the same access to the digital world as others do.
DIY’s Associate Artist, filmmaker Hilary Easter-Jones, has documented some of the challenges but also some of the highlights and magical moments of our Inter-Connect digital inclusion project in a new film called ‘It Does Make a Big Difference!”
The title of our film comes from an interview with one of DIY actor and leader Scott Lawrie who said:
It does make a big difference that we can meet on Zoom ‘cause I can see you more or less every day and I like that. I do think it was the best idea whoever came up with it. Good on ‘em”
Key messages
Alongside the full-length “It does make a big difference” film Hilary has created four short films which highlight some of our key messages:
- It makes a big difference
- Being online keeps us creative
- Being online is a great way to connect with friends
- It’s worth the effort to get online for the first time.
You can watch them all here, or visit DIY’s Vimeo page to view them at any time.
The films have been profiled on Social Media and they have also been shared by a number of partners in Salford. We hope that our experiences will help others to access the digital world and all the opportunities for social interaction, creative activities and information it opens up.
So far we have had a number of really positive responses:
DIY Theatre Company have made this brilliant film all about people getting online for the first time and using zoom to connect with others – I’m sure you will see some familiar faces in there. It is 5 minutes long so well worth a short break to watch. Hopefully it will inspire you, or others, to help more people get online and connect with their friends, families and activities.”
Lindsey Brook, Engagement and Development Officer, NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group
This has to be one of the best COVID connect clips I have seen, thank you for sharing. A big well done to all those involved in the amazing work they have achieved the past 12 months.
Definitely sharedKat.Walsh – thebiglifegroup
Inter-Connect Digital Inclusion
It Does Make a Big Difference film documents some of the digital inclusion work DIY have been doing as part of our Inter-Connect Digital Inclusion project funded by NHS Salford CCG and Salford CVS via their CV-19 Disability Response Fund. As part of the programme we are working with Digital Inclusion officer Molly Stedman to:
- support members to access technology / equipment
- run a series of regular Let’s Get Digital sessions to support people to develop their digital skills
- set up one-to-one sessions to increase skills and confidence of to access DIY’s online sessions
- run visual arts sessions with deaf people with learning disabilities in partnership with The Housemartins
Visit DIY’s Digital Inclusion page to find out more.
DIY would like to thank the funders who supported this work