Create and Connect with DIY from a distance
Lets Create + Connect !
Here are lots of ideas and resources to help you get creative whenever you want. Please feel free to use them!
This page was put together as a response to the Coronavirus outbreak in 2019. The ideas and resources found here helped DIY, and other artists with learning disabilities, to keep creative and connected whilst staying safe at home. Even though we can now meet up in person its sometimes nice to work in your own time at home – so please take a look, we hope you find something to inspire you.
There are more ideas on our YouTube channel – click here to visit!
5 ways to Wellbeing
This page is organised around the 5 ways to Wellbeing, the 5 things we can do to keep ourselves healthy (New Economics Foundation 2011). This great colouring book, made by Leah Witton, will help you to think about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. 5 Ways to Wellbeing – colouring book

Connect – talk and listen, be there, feel connected.
Even while we are not able to meet up in person we can still be there for each other. These resources help us to think about how we can connect with others and explore new ways of communicating with each other.
Click to download our resources to help you keep Connecting
- How are you connecting at home? Take and share a photo
- What does connect mean to you? Make a picture to share with us.
- Meet DIY Actor David Austin
- Meet DIY Actor Charlotte Little
- Meet DIY Actor Cathy Rothwell
- Meet DIY Actor Anna Ward
- Meet DIY Actor Amy Carter
- Meet DIY Actor Adam Leech
- Meet DIY Actor Scott Lawrie
- Meet DIY Actor Mike Corfield
- This sheet helps you to – Find out more about DIY Theatre Company!
Giving – give your time, your words, your presence.
Click to download our resources to help you keep Giving
- Create a review to share What have you been watching lately? You can write, draw, record or even film your review.
- What does it mean to be a leader?
Keep Learning – embrace new experiences, see opportunities, surprise yourself!
Click to download or watch our resources to help you Keep Learning
Are you interested in film making?
- Video – Top Tips for filming with a mobile phone
- Top Tips for filming with a mobile phone as a resource sheet
Think about where you are spending most of your time during Lockdown. Can you film the view from your window? Can you film an activity or a hobby you have been doing during Lockdown?
Are you interested in making music?
- Video Rhythm – part 1 – Musician Sarah Atter leads us in learning the words for our Harry Potter chant.
- Video Rhythm – part 2 – Musician Sarah Atter drumming with wooden spoons.
- Video Rhythm – part 3 – Sarah shows us how to play the Harry Potter Rhythm In A Round!
- Learn ‘We Have a Voice!’song from DIY’s show, ‘Following Patient 36’
- Learn the ‘We are watching you’ song from DIY’s show ‘Following Patient 36’
- Video ‘Welcome to the Circus’ part 1 created by DIY Theatre Company’s Passing the Baton Groups. (Passing the Baton was a 3 year DIY programme which ended in 2022 – click to see the report)
- Video ‘Welcome to the Circus’ – part 2 – Here is the backing track if you want to join in at home!
Do you like art and making things?
- Who is your Arts Inspiration?
- Create your own placard!
- Design a badge
- Learn to Weave! Leah Witton shows us how to weave – no special materials or equipment needed!
- Make a Zine a book you can make at home!
- Make a Ribbon Stick and get some circus skills!
Don’t forget to share what you do with us on social media! We’d love to see your versions!
Being Active – do what you can, enjoy what you do, move your mood.
Click to download our resources to help you Keep Active
- Leading with the hat – click here to watch on YouTube – In this video Nikki leads us in relaxing.
- Have a go at Qigong – click here to watch on YouTube Sue shares some of the gentle Qigong movements she’s been learning while she’s staying home and staying safe.
Take Notice – remember the simple things that give you joy.
Click to download our resources to help you Take Notice
- What Colour will you do DIY’s logo?
- What colour will you do our new ‘Create + Connect’ logo?
- Design your own t-shirt
- A Colouring Book by Leah Witton
- What is through your window? Take a photo, draw a picture, and don’t forget to share it with DIY!
- A freedom dove to colour in what would you draw to symbolise freedom?
DIY would like to thank the funders who supported this work:
• Arts Council England • National Lottery Community Fund • National Lottery Heritage Fund • Youth Music, and the National Lottery via Arts Council England.