“Give Me Space!” Tour

Photo: “Give Me Space!” Tour

DIY is now touring ‘Give Me Space!’ – our original production that takes audience members on a multi-sensory journey through space.  The show is designed for children and young people with PMLD.  DIY has been working with Eve Harrison and Hannah McCabe to create a beautiful live music score, and with designer Nerissa Cargill-Thompson to create fabulous costumes, set and props.

‘Give Me Space’ comprises two 45 minute performances, each for an audience of 6 – 8 learners with PMLD.  Each performance is accompanied with a pre- and post- show workshop for a maximum of 8 participants.  These workshops will engage participants in space exploration through the senses and enable young people to achieve their Discover Arts Award.

To see how the show is going please visit the show page

Confirmed dates include:

  • Salford University Applied Theatre

    Friday 2nd March

  • ‘Fill the Space’ event @Angel Centre

    Tuesday 13th March

  • Manchester Hospital School performance

    Tuesday 20th March

  • Delamere School performance

    Tuesday 27th March

  • Piper Hill School performance

    Tuesday 24th April

  • Bury College performance

    Tuesday 8th May

  • Firwood School performance

    Tuesday 22nd May