Give Me Space! is an interactive, multi-sensory show for PMLD audiences. The show blasts off into space, taking the audience with us, to explore the universe.
As the audience travels to other planets and meets new civilisations their multi-sensory journey is enhanced by interactive props, created with designer Nerissa Cargill-Thompson, and for the first time, DIY has worked with musicians Hannah McCabe and Eve Harrison to create a beautiful live score for the show.
‘Give Me Space!’, like all of DIY’s performances, has been devised and created by our company of performers with learning disabilities. Using the themes of space and travel, DIY created a multi-sensory, interactive theatre experience specially designed for young people with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities.
Over 250 people saw ‘Give Me Space.’
It toured schools and arts organisations during 2018 and 2019. We performed the show in more than 10 venues including Piper Hill School, Delamere School, the Manchester Hospital School, Bury College and Enrich Festival 2019.
Creating Sensory Theatre for PMLD audiences
Using the Give Me Space! show as a real example, we have produced a 12 page resource guide to creating Sensory Theatre for PMLD audiences based on this show. You can download this for free by clicking on the link below. There is also a downloadable social story for the show.
Download our resource guide Give Me Space!
Download the Give Me Space! social story resource here
Salford University Applied Theatre
Friday 2nd March 2018 -
‘Fill the Space’ event @Angel Centre
Tuesday 13th March 2018 -
Manchester Hospital School
Tuesday 20th March 2018 -
Delamere School
Tuesday 27th March 2018 -
Piper Hill School
Tuesday 24th April 2018 -
Bury College
Tuesday 8th May 2018 -
Firwood School
Tuesday 22nd May 2018 -
'Sharing the Space!' training event, Angel Centre
Tuesday 12th June 2018 -
Langworthy Cornerstone
Thursday 14th June 2018 -
Oakwood Academy
Friday 22nd June 2018 -
Piper Hill School
Tuesday 2nd October 2018 -
Springwood School
Tuesday 21 may 2019 -
Enrich Festival, Watford
Sunday 9 July 2019