Claire Hignett, Visual Artist

Artist Claire Hignett in her studio.
Claire has been working with DIY Theatre since the very early days, since ‘they were 2’.
Over the years Claire has been involved with all sorts of things at DIY. This has including running visual arts courses, facilitation and one-off projects. Claire is also a co-opted member of DIY’s Board of Directors. Because she knows a lot of people and likes talking, Claire promotes DIY at various events and forums. Every three years Claire helps facilitate DIY’s three year plan.
When DIY members had to stay at home because of the Covid-19 lockdowns starting in 2020, Claire created an artwork for us called ‘Together in Our Separateness’. Click to find out more.
We asked Claire some questions about herself:
Tell us one of your favourite things about DIY Theatre Co.
The depth of research and development that goes into creating performances.
Tell us one of the things you are most proud of doing at DIY.
Making the textile piece Picking up the Threads to celebrate DIY’s history in 2013.
What else do you do, outside of DIY?
I am an artist who uses textiles to explore feelings of being safe and protected.
I read a lot of books. I like going to see bands, going to the pictures and to see exhibitions. My guilty pleasure is watching vampire and zombie films.
What motto do you live by?
When you are feeling crap do all your crap jobs then at the end of the day you will feel good because they are done.
Tell us about a piece of performance or visual art that has inspired you.
What makes you smile?
Elephant jokes.