Autumn 2019 is packed full of exciting opportunities!

It’s going to be a busy Autumn at DIY! We’re all returning from our long Summer break full of energy and ideas.
DIY’s members have lots to look forward to!
DIY Theatre Company is continuing to work on the research and development stage of our ‘Following Patient 36’ project. This project is being funded by Arts Council England and the National Lottery Heritage Fund. We are planning another sharing event for November – watch this space for further details! But until then you can catch up on ‘Following Patient 36’ and find out about our previous shows by visiting Our Shows page
DIY’s Friday Group will be planning lots of different projects and taking part in the ‘All the World’s a Stage’ Creative Therapies conference at University of Salford on Friday 25th October.
DIY BUDS will be meeting on Thursday afternoons at Langworthy Cornerstone and continuing our project about ‘A Sense of Adventure’. BUDS is an open group, so any adult with a learning disability in Salford is very welcome to come along, see what we do and join in. Have a look at our Creative sessions for adults page for up to date information.
DIY is offering exciting new projects for you to get involved with too!
We have lots of exciting new projects starting up over the next few weeks, for adults, children and young people with learning disabilities
Activities for Adults:
Making for Theatre
Our courses for adults with Learning disabilities are going from strength to strength and we have two brand new visual arts courses starting in September, both supported by Salford Community Learning.
Courses are free for adults with learning disabilities living in Salford – contact for more information.
Print and Stitch: Autumn and Winter
Together we will make a textile picture to explore the colours and textures of Autumn and Winter.
- Wednesdays 18 September to 27 November (no session 30 October) – 10 weeks
- Venue: Langworthy Cornerstone
- Times: 10am to 12 noon
Making for Theatre: A Costume for Me
We will all make a design book about ourselves! It will show who we are, where we have come from, what we like and what we want. Once these are complete we will turn our designs into costumes for us to wear for a photo shoot!
- Thursdays 19 September – 28 November (no session 31 October) – 10 weeks
- Venue: Langworthy Cornerstone
- Times: 10am to 12 noon
Activities for Children and Young People:
Passing the Baton* Our exciting partnership with You Can Community Club is continuing and we are offering two exciting opportunities for children and young people with learning disabilities in Salford, supported by Community Lottery Fund.
Young Leaders
This group is a unique opportunity to build confidence, develop leadership skills and gain an Arts Award qualification. It’s free for young disabled people aged 16 to 30 years and living in Salford. To catch up on DIY’s work with young leaders please visit our Gamechangers Emerging Leaders page.
Youth Drama Club
This is a great and fun opportunity to build confidence, meet new people, learn new skills and have fun. And it’s free for young disabled people aged 11 – 25 years living in Salford.

Our first Young Leaders – Adam, Hannah, Amy and Charlotte
*Passing the Baton was DIY’s dedicated youth arts programme that worked with children and young people with learning disabilities from 2019-22. It was funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.
DIY Theatre continues to work with children and young people with a learning disability. Learning from the Passing the Baton Project has been fed into other work such as Gamechangers and Leading Edge. Have a look around this website to see what we are currently offering or email us at