Welcome to the Circus
Fun and Sparkly Bright
Circus Tricks to Blow your mind
What a Magic Sight!
Come and join a series of colourful circus characters created by DIY’s Young Leaders Group. Meet the Ringmaster, Lexi the Juggler, Tom the Tiger, Jim the Joker and Bob the Strongman as they introduce you to their favourite circus tricks!
‘Circus Tricks!’ is a free and accessible fun animated performance and educational resource, designed for children and young people with Profound and Multiple learning disabilities. It can be accessed and enjoyed by schools, groups, families, and individuals.
‘Circus Tricks!’ comprises a series of short, animated films based on original characters, music activities and scenes created by members of DIY’s Young Leaders Group. The first video in the series, ‘Scott the Ringmaster and Welcome to the Circus’, has been watched over 400 times (at end of April 2022).
The films are supported by an Activity Pack and Supporting Videos.
Our ‘Circus Tricks!’ resources provide a range of ways to participate in arts activities and find out about other artists and arts organisations. It can support learners on their Discover and Explore Arts Award journeys. Head to our Circus Tricks Resource Page to access.
Circus Tricks! online tour in 2020
Our Young Leaders used the animations to create a series of interactive ‘Circus Tricks!’ workshops via Zoom to students at Chatsworth High and Springwood Primary Schools. It was shared with over 50 young people. 43 were successfully supported on their Discover and Explore Arts Award Journeys.
Due to Lockdown our learners had missed the opportunity to complete their Discover Arts Award as usual. ‘Circus Tricks!’meant that they were able to catch up on this learning. It also gave me an idea for best practice for monitoring Discover Arts Award that I will implement during the school festival in the summer.”
Sadie Smith, Teacher, Chatsworth High School.
The flexibility has been really important – as different classroom teachers have done different things with it. It can be spread out over a full term, or be used as a really fun Circus Week where learners engage with it every day. One young boy is usually reluctant to join in with role playing, but he really wanted to be the Ring Master. Quieter students have been able to get involved”
Victoria Lawley, Teacher, Springwood School
Circus Inspiration
Originally created as a piece of promenade theatre ‘Circus Tricks!’ was cleverly adapted by DIY’s Young Leaders Group during the Covid 19 Pandemic.
DIY Young Leaders Group first formed in 2019 members wanted to make their own performance / workshop for children and young people with a learning disabilities. Their shared love of the film ‘The Greatest Showman’ provided the inspiration and the Circus Tricks project began.
To kick start the development of circus skills, the Young Leaders put together an application for funding to Salford CVS / NHS Salford CCG Youth Wellbeing Fund. This paid for a special trip to see Circus 1903 at The Lowry Theatre in late 2019 followed by two days training with professional Circus Practitioners. Additional funding from Youth Music meant the group were able to learn from professional musicians and increase their music skills.
‘Circus Tricks!’ was made possible by The National Lottery Community Fund who funded our Passing the Baton Programme during 2019-2021. For more on this work please click to see the Evalution of DIYs Passing the Baton Programme 2019-21.
Our thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund and to the following organisations for their support for this work:
- Youth Music,
- Salford CVS
- Salford CCG and
- You Can Youth Club, our partner in delivery.
To watch all of the films and access the free Activity Pack and Supporting Videos Head to our Circus Tricks Resource Page to access.
Chatsworth Chatsworth High School (via Zoom)
Autumn 2020 - Spring 2021 -
Springwood Primary School (via Zoom)
Autumn 2020 - Spring 2021 -
Enrich Festival (via Zoom)
September 2020 -
Freely available as an online resource
Launched November 2020